Colecție: Teatru

ISBN: 978-606-082-003-1

An apariție: 2021
Tip ediție: broșată
Format: A4
Pagini: 143

Bianca Trifan


Collaborative theater. Theories on devised/collaborative theater at national and international level

In this book are presented the theoretical elements of devised/collaborative theater at national and international level. As Monica Prendergast remarks, devised/collaborative theater is situated at the border between theater and other performing arts.

This type of theater puts a special emphasis on the creative process, a process which is an exploration of a topic or theme through improvisation, documentation and rehearsal. Therefore, devised/collaborative theater does not originate from the dramatic text, but from a theme which will later generate the dramatic material.

The book addresses general aspects of devised/collaborative theater, its influences and precursors; it presents a series of Romanian artists and international theater groups who have used this working method; it revisits the Theater in Education process from the perspective of the collaborative method and discusses critical pedagogy and its importance for devised/collaborative theater. At the end of the book are presented the results of two surveys made in the wake of several online activities conducted in 2020.

Colecție: Teatru

ISBN: 978-606-082-003-1

An apariție: 2021
Tip ediție: broșată
Format: A4
Pagini: 143

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